Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index:

Topical Index:

General: Rape, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment

Body: Anal Rape, Genital Mutilation, Groping, Oral Rape, Sexual Torture, Stripping

Circumstances: Attempted Rape, Date Rape, Drug-facilitated Sexual Assault, Instrumental Rape, Rape by Deception, Rape Threat

Frequency: Serial Rape

Killing: Femicide, Lust Murder

Offenders: Bestial Rape, Clergy Sexual Abuse, Demonic Rape, Gang Rape, Incestual Rape, Interracial Sexual Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence, Rape by Proxy, Same-Sex Rape

Places: Campus Sexual Assault, Institutional Abuse, Prison Rape, Sexual Violence at the Workplace, Sexual Violence in Sports, Sexual Violence in the Military, Sexual Violence on the Move

Purposes: "Corrective Rape", Forced Marriage, Forced Prostitution, Sex Trafficking

States of Emergency: Disaster Rape, Genocidal Rape, Sexual Violence during the Holocaust, State Terrorism, Wartime Sexual Violence

Victims: Animal Sexual Assault, Child Pornography, Child Prostitution, Child Sexual Abuse, Elder Sexual Abuse, Incestual Rape, Interracial Sexual Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence, Same-Sex Rape, Slave Rape, Statutory Rape